Friday, November 22, 2013


This week, I got to officially start on my very own experiment!!!

 As mentioned in my previous post, my experiment revolves around potassium. My mentor and I decided to incorporate this very metal via the agar plates. Rather than the usual set of ingredients used to create the standard agar plate, I added a particular amount of potassium bicarbonate to the mix in addition to the regular components. As shown in the picture to the left, I prepared 3 separate mixtures--one of which is the control medium.
(Here is a bonus picture! :D) This is me in the compete lab gear head to toe. (except my sterilized clogs aren't shown here). In this image, I am preparing plates (moving the spore onto the agar plates) as mentioned in the post below.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! Your images are as professional and interesting as your writing has become. They are the perfect illustrations of your work. I love how deep in thought you are in the last one - the dedicated mycologist! The hairnet really makes it perfect. :)
