Sunday, April 28, 2013


At last! I got the results that I have been waiting for!

Today, I was able to see the final result from the electrophoresis machine. In the graph below, the peaks represent the corresponding 76-mers mentioned in my prior blog. (76-mers are single stranded DNAs that contain 76 basers). A while back, I prepared a similar sample for Yolanda with our end goal to find out the specific location of the particular 76mer within the prepared solution. Because this sample consists of a "spiking sample" (this increases the concentration of that particular 76mer in that particular tube so that when inserted into the machine and read, the graph will indicate the precise location with a peak that is higher than the other 9 polymers present in the mixture), my mentor and I were able to see that the spiked sample has 3 times the concentration of the other 76-mers--the highest peak being this very spiked peak.

In retrospection, I can't believe I have finally completed the whole process of capillary electrophoresis. Starting from learning about the chemistry of it all to actually preparing the buffers and samples, and then finally getting to use the capillary machine, I have learned so much from this experience. Next week, which I believe will be my final week, I am hoping we will be able to see more graphs like the one below and discover exciting results.

1 comment:

  1. Great to have a nice graph like this near the end of your internship. I hope that it makes all of the tedious work feel worthwhile. I am certainly impressed with your dedication to this work. I am looking forward to the final data points!
